Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A good woman is like a McGriddles? What the f*%#? Thanks for giving me another reason (besides my health) to not eat at McDonalds. McGriddles. With an "s". Who comes up with this crap? And can you give us their home address so we can t.p. their yard?


  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I don't remember if I have ever commented here or not - prolly not, but I enjoy your writing and photography, and you have inspired me to go to the library today. ~laura (

  2. Hi Maggie - I followed you back here from my blog and have already been enjoying reading the last several entries. And wow, you're in the pretty part of North Carolina!

  3. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Um, you inspired me to go to the library with your Saul Bellow post. McGriddles don't really inspire me to read that much. I do despise that inane commercial, and a woman is never, ever anything like a McGriddle. ~Laura

  4. Laura -Yes, McGriddles are pretty uninspired (and uninspiring). Thanks for the nice comments. Libraries, however, always seem to inspire and are cholestoral free!

  5. Jamie-
    I'm glad you enjoyed my entries. I've liked reading yours as well. And seriously, try those gizzards fried. My husband swears by them. I'm more of a thigh girl myself.

  6. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I thought of one way in which *I* am most not like a McGriddle. I'm good for breakfast. Hey now! ~Laura
