Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Enough With The Heat Already

The severe weather alert button on my computer keeps flashing. I check it hoping for rain, but all it ever says is "high heat and humidity through Friday". They have to warn us here in the mountains that heat is not a good thing. I am becoming a little soft when it comes to heat, but my hair sure is curly!

I've been making sure the critters have plenty of water and shade. All, but the big meat blob turkeys, seem to be holding up well. I've been avoiding the heat by staying in my new office. Yes, I said new. You see, I went and stumbled upon a real job. A real job - as in, full-time, title, desk, computer, responsibilities and no budget. I am now Interim Head of School for Monkey's School. What am I thinking? Do I want a full-time job? "Interim" is in front of the title, so there's always a chance I can escape...

Although, right now I'm quite enjoying myself.


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Ahh, but do you get air-con with the office, that's what I want to know? If yay, then am jealous; if nay, then let's hope it's temporary! :)

  2. Oh yes, central air - with a vent right by my desk!

  3. Maybe interim can just mean the summer to take advantage of that a/c. ;) budget?
