Monday, November 26, 2007

Home again

26 November, 2007, originally uploaded by maggiesfarm.

Let's see. Being away from home for almost an entire week is just too long. Going home for the first time after the death of my mother was not easy. It was downright devastating. However, we survivied. We all managed to catch a stomach bug that had ravaged my brother's family earlier in the week. Lukily, or unluckily, as you see it, it hit me and Monkey overnight on our way home. Charlie held out until last night when we got home. We lost one guinea hen last night to a predator (she was out and we were to ravaged by illness to notice).

On the upside, we've had rain! The new dog was renamed Moon Pie at a Tennessee rest stop somewhere along Interstate 40. It's great to be home again.


  1. I love the name Moon Pie!!

    Welcome home sweet Maggie.

  2. Maggie--

    How does it work to make that trip with the dog? I am retracing your route almost exactly in a few weeks(with a side trip to Quincy, IL) and the dog is the only thing I can't figure.

    Do you split the trip and stay in dog-friendly hotels along the way?

    Sorry to hear about the apparent rotavirus.

    And I know what you mean about the rest of it. Hard hard hard.

