Thursday, April 10, 2008

the future holds cherries and geese

"Starkrimson" sweet cherry, originally uploaded by maggies farm.

Cherry blossoms hold such hope! The wild ones are blooming as well in the woods. There are clothes drying on the line. It feels like spring.

And, one of the geese has started to lay (which is good). She built a beautiful nest and layed a lovely egg - right in the goat stall (which is bad). Now what am I supposed to do??? Hmmm, must think...


  1. The cherries are starting to bloom here too!

    Hmmm...I'd let her stay in the goat pen. I've had my run ins with cranky geese in my day, I can't imagine she'd let a goat get her nest or anyone else!

  2. i have just found out that i'm inheriting 7 more geese! the more the merrier, i guess. now if i could just get the weather to cooperate so i could grow cherries way down here in florida, i'd be a pretty happy camper!

  3. Er, redirect her nesting instincts?

    We appear to be raising gurkeys. By that I mean the female goose and both of the female turkeys have started brooding...ALL a nice straw circle in the old duck house. I am hoping that they manage to hatch poults and goslings, respectively.

  4. jamie! how cool! my royal palm hen hatched out 8 of the cutest lil ones you've ever seen, just day before yesterday! she had them out for their first little foray around the yard this morning. too stinkin cute!

  5. Cool blog! I just happened to find you while looking for something else and I am glad I did. I'm looking forward to your solution with the goose eggs.

  6. I enjoy reading your blog and I'm in the eastern part of the state with a bee blog htt://
    Like your place - everybody looks healthy and happy.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Just realised it's been a while since I heard from you - hope things are good and your silence portends nothing more than extreme business. :)
