Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Puppy Breath

puppy love, originally uploaded by maggies farm.

This is the last thing we need at the moment. But how could we refuse? Who would dump such a creature?

I said we would foster him and I'd start training, but I'm in love. He needs a name...


  1. I WANT TO KISS HIM! How very cute.

  2. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I'm shuddering in ecstasy just imagining the Frito smell of the paws and, yes of course the puppy breath, and the sharp teeth biting my hair and trying for my earrings (whoops! don't eat them!)

    Oh Maggie, you are feeding into my dog lust. You know I make a fool out of myself every time I pass by a dog. Next thing you know, *I'm* rolled over on *my* back (literally. I am not kidding, I do this) so I can get closer and play.

    Makes my day, it does.

    I would while away the hours,
    collapsing in the flowers,
    and rolling in the fog.
    I would deal with all the poopy,
    You know I'd then call her Schmoopie....

    If I only had a dooooog.

  3. Someone dumped that sweet little doggie? He looks like a cocoa puff. I need to click away. I'm cuckoo for cocoa puffs!

  4. He needs a name. We've banned all chocolate references. We better hurry. The Monkey was calling him "Cucumber" this morning.

  5. he looks like an artemis to me. *shrugs* i don't know why. lol

  6. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Jehoshaphat, Fizzy, Ampersand, Buzzard, Porker, Horshack, Lickums, Radar, Bumpo, Niko, Toad, Kilo, Dino, Matzo, Sanford, Scupper, Errol, Qwerty, Gavin, Nigel, Alistair, Lamb,

  7. Anonymous2:00 PM

    See this kind of cuteness is why I can't be around puppies!

    How about Gus, Hank, Rufus, Sam, Jake, Pumpkin, Coulter, Howie

  8. OK, the short list is:
    Woody, or

    Monkey, who is normally much better at the name game contributed:
    Johnny Depp
    Barrack Obama.

    I'm leaning towards Tank. He is a rather small one at the moment, but all of that will change.

  9. Anonymous12:55 PM

    puppy breath & fritos??? we all know about the breath, but who ever thought I would see a reference to frito foot is just shocking! all these years I've thought i was all alone with my doogie foot fetish..well maybe not fetish thats going a bit far.
    Sure is a cute little digger!
